Our Client Stories

 “I’ve gained so much from your foundation. The services you provide are very important to many of us that have experienced the unimaginable. Every group I attend gives me more strength to face my days. It’s such a benefit to healing”
~RLF Client

“The Richard Lambert Foundation has helped me on multiple levels: grief, restoration of relationships, and even in my professional life. Through individual counseling, I’ve been able to take a step back and see my pain from a different perspective. I’m now understanding how my grief affects my responses to relational situations and my decision making. I was trapped by grief and fear, but because of the feedback, tools, and one-on-one support I’ve received from the RLF, I’m free and able to move forward in a positive, productive manner. I no longer rely on self-destructive escapes such as alcohol and arguing and denial. The Richard Lambert Foundation has enabled me to face the future with hope, anticipation, and a smile.” ~RLF Client

“I felt very welcomed, not judged, listened to, and understood. I cried a lot today and talked about things I had stored away and not dealt with. Rita was so helpful in allowing this to happen very naturally. Thank you SO much. I look forward to continuing my therapy with Richard Lambert Foundation and I’m hopeful for the future.” ~RLF Client

“This is my safe place. It feels good to be in a place where others understand and I don’t have to cry alone in the shower.”  ~RLF Client

"I am happy I attended the workshop and feel it provides a service to the community. It was especially helpful to hear the stories of others whose losses were some years ago but have learned to cope. It gives me hope that I too will reach that place."  ~ RLF Client

"Thank you for providing this day. I feel it was a blessing and reminded me that we are making progress. Thank you for Karl and the opportunity to share with everyone who was here today. Hearing everything was powerful, helpful, and one more step in the process to heal."  ~ RLF Client

"The group was truly invaluable for me! It is very early in my journey, but it gave me a vision of stability and hope! Thank you, xoxo."  ~ RLF Client